This marinade is adapted from a recipe found in Chile Pepper magazine. Although I found it delicious, I did not find it "spicy", so if you are not a fan...
This is my own recipe for alfredo sauce. I have caught more than one person eating it with a spoon! I prefer angel hair pasta as it seems to trap the sauce...
This is from another Rose Reisman book. It's very good. The recipe calls for Chicken supreme with skin on for presentation but not to be eaten, and the...
This is a lovely marinade for barbecued or fried chicken. I usually use it for chicken breasts cut into not too thin stripes which I cook on a table barbecue....
I've been experimenting with lots of grilled chicken recipes and found this one from a Rachel Ray collection to be a winner. It's fast, easy and tasty....
A classic Jamaican Jerk Chicken recipe, sent to me by a friend in Kingston, Jamaica! You can adjust the "heat" to your own requirements - and don't forget...
Delicious and easy. This is a dish you can whip up for your family, or serve on an occassion when you want to impress your guests. When you see how simple...
All of the taste of buffalo chicken wings in a meatloaf. It goes together quickly, and my husband and I really enjoyed it. This is another recipe from...
Easy to prepare, this recipe came with a packet of herbs de Provence and lavender from Purple Haze Lavender. Very flavorful. Our girls, who don't like...
This is an easy, and very versatile recipe. It is spicy, so don't make it if you don't like spicy food! I use this in tacos, burritos, taco salads, and...
This wonderful recipe produces tender chicken cutlets wrapped with thin slices of Prosciutto di Parma topped with fresh sage leaves in a white wine reduction...
From License to Grill, with Rob Rainsford. This is a quick and easy dish, and goes really well with Grilled Honey Tarragon Carrots and Grilled Potatoes...
I needed a new chicken recipe and it had to only use healthy ingredients. My dad had a heart attack and he is only allowed Asiago cheese and canadian bacon...
Fresh herbs marinate the chicken all day, and then topped with a savory red pepper cream. Served over angel hair pasta lightly tossed with olive oil, basil,...
This dish is quick and easy and comes out perfect every time! My kids gave it the "Ugliest Dinner" award, but they still cleaned their plates and went...
This chicken dish is tasty, fairly quick and easy enough for a 'new' cook to impress dinner guests. A look into the fridge and store cupboard was the source...
I created this recipe years ago, and during the past year have seen similar ones in newer cookbooks. While the recipe calls for Boursin cheese, I made...
This recipe is great on grilled chicken! The vinegar helps create a tender meat, so the longer it marinates, the better. A favorite of mine is to grill...
This is a really easy, sweet, savory dish. When I first made it I was surprised by the flavor of the sauce. I served it over rice with veggies on the side....
Yes there are a lot of different chicken divan recipe's out there but I will swear on this one as being the best. I have been making this for years now...
I know, the last thing RecipeZaar needs is another parmesan chicken recipe! But this one has it all! Not only is it low-fat and only has 3 points per serving...
This recipe came from the Rachael Ray show. Now, sometimes the recipes are good and sometimes, the recipes are not so tasty. This one, however I think...
We love chicken parmesan and are always searching for a new or different version of preparing. I watched America's Test Kitchen and thought WOW - have...
My friends always ask me to make them my Butter Chicken (Chicken Makhani) when I invite them over for dinner! It's *SO* good that I have stopped ordering...
This dish can be prepared and on the table in under an hour. I love feta cheese, and the drizzle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar just before serving...
Diabetes Appropriate/Low Cal/Low Carb/Low Sodium/and just delicious. From EatingWell Magazine. March/April 2008 edition. The secret to a good cream sauce...
This is my favorite chicken pasta salad! The tangy dried cranberries and crunchy cashews combine wonderfully in a creamy pasta salad that is substantial...
This is the first time I ever used rice noodles (sold as Thai stir-fry rice noodles) and really liked them. By the way the original recipes suggested using...
I don't remember where this recipe came from but it is quick, easy, and good...the three things that I am always looking for in a recipe. Served with rice...
This is a Cooking Light recipe with slight changes. I love figs for a snack, and was thrilled to find this fabulous chicken recipe using figs. It is also...